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热词:退而不休的“银发gap族” Grey Gapper

【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-01-22

这几年出门旅行时发现,不少退休的叔叔阿姨都会结伴出行,四处游历,欢乐无比。连旅游市场都开始关注到这一点,并将这一新的消费群体成为silver consumers(银发消费族)。在国外,银发族们都开始像大学生一样过gap year了。

The newly coined term ‘Grey Gapper' describes people who are 55 and over, and who have decided to take a gap year. Gap years are normally associated with young people and students, who are taking a break from education to backpack around the world, staying in hostels and partying a lot. However, according to a survey by the Post Office, ‘grey gappers' are now on the increase, with 25% of people aged 55 and over taking a long break to travel the world.

Grey Gapper这个新创的词指55岁以上、决定进行一次间隔年旅行的人,我们可以称为“银发gap族”或者“银发空档族”。通常来说,间隔年都跟年轻人和学生族有关,他们会在上学期间暂停学业,背包周游世界、住青年旅馆,四处狂欢。不过,一项调查显示,“银发gap族”的人数在持续增加,55岁以上的人群中有25%会暂别常规生活,周游世界。

This age group is typically in an extremely comfortable position to partake in an extended adventure. They are mature people with savings, grown up children and empty nests, years of hard work, stress and pressure behind them; so why not shed some responsibility and indulge?


Some empty nesters set off, iPads in hand, to faithfully tick sights and destinations off a long-held travel bucket-list. Others look for work or voluntary placements overseas; one third of globalvounteers.org participants are now over 55. The baby boomer generation have a love of travel, backed up with money and ambition, and many refuse to take retirement sitting down.




  1. 肖教员 滇西应用技术大学 护理
  2. 张教员 云南财经大学 审计专业
  3. 谢教员 云南财经大学 会计(审计)
  4. 黄教员 楚雄师范学院 小学教育
  5. 陈教员 重庆工商大学 国际旅游与酒店管理专业
  6. 海教员 云南艺术学院 艺术设计
  7. 王教员 昆明城市学院 舞蹈学
  8. 李教员 云南民族大学 经济统计学
  9. 徐教员 伦敦政治经济学院(LSE) 社会学(sociology)