Middlesex University; Birmingham University
IELTS/SAT/A LEVEL English Literature 专业
初一初二英语,初三英语,高一高二英语,高三英语,初级剑桥英语,托福,雅思,商务英语,高级剑桥英语,高级英语口语,SAT,TOEFL Junior,O-Level,A-Level,文书辅导
I have been a UK licensed teacher for nearly 25 years and have taught in Kunming for over 12 years. My students have been admitted to Ivy League colle...
I am the only teacher in Kunming that‘s been awarded the MCCT Certificate from the royally Chartered College of Teaching for my services to the teach... 25-01-24 支持网络教学 授课区域: 五华区,官渡区,西山区,呈贡区 薪水要求:
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